How Artificial Intelligence is Impacting Industry


The artificial intelligence (AI) is already redefining the global industry, bringing a series of innovations that directly impact productivity, process automation, and decision-making. With technological advances and the increasing use of intelligent machines, AI tools, such as systems specialized in data analysis, are helping companies analyze large datasets and optimize their operations. Meta, with its AI-based services and products, has stood out in this scenario, assisting companies in predicting failures, identifying patterns, and generating scenarios to enhance project efficiency and customer interactions.

The use of AI has gained increasing attention over the past six years, impacting both individuals and businesses. In 2024, 72% of organizations worldwide implemented this technology, a significant jump from the 55% recorded in 2023. As with any technological advancement, artificial intelligence presents challenges with its impacts, especially regarding employee adaptation and the implications for the future of this technology.

The adoption of intelligent machines to replace repetitive tasks can reduce costs, but it also challenges companies to rethink their work models and empower their employees to learn with new technologies. To minimize the effects of AI on the workforce, it is essential to invest in continuous training and the development of skills that allow professionals to leverage the benefits of Industry 4.0 and adapt to labor market transformations.

Artificial intelligence in industry 4.0: what is changing?

Industry 4.0 is characterized by the digitization and automation of industrial processes, driven by advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the Internet of Things (IoT). In this context, AI plays a fundamental role, enabling intelligent machines to process and analyze large volumes of data in real-time and make automated decisions to optimize operations and improve results.

Artificial intelligence has a clear impact on operational efficiency and cost reduction for companies. The data analysis provided by AI systems allows the identification of patterns, enhancing decision-making and the execution of more assertive strategies. In this scenario, AI tools automate repetitive tasks, allowing professionals to focus on more creative and strategically relevant activities.

“I believe that all technology related to artificial intelligence is promising because it is an emerging technology,” comments Amanda Santos, executive manager of the Meta Hub of Automation, Data, and AI.

In Meta’s case, its advanced solutions help companies analyze the large volumes of data generated during industrial processes, providing valuable insights that increase efficiency and reduce operational failures. This improves product quality and facilitates the implementation of new practices in Industry 4.0, a clear reflection of technological advances related to AI.

With the growing use of these tools, the need arises to understand how to mitigate the impacts of artificial intelligence on the workforce, ensuring that professionals acquire the necessary skills to navigate this new technological environment.

Impacts of artificial intelligence on industry and society

The impacts of artificial intelligence on industry are increasingly visible, not only in industrial operations but also in various other spheres of society. With technological advancements in AI and the growing automation of processes, companies are experiencing significant cost reductions.

With the rise of Industry 4.0, artificial intelligence and its impacts are becoming more evident in transforming production processes. Intelligent machines can analyze large volumes of data, increasing efficiency and offering solutions to optimize production. However, the impacts of AI on society go beyond the industry, directly affecting the labor market and challenging companies to rethink their training and adaptation strategies.

It is essential that organizations invest in continuous training and the development of new professionals specialized in data analysis and management, which are priorities when discussing AI, in addition to other AI-related functions. How can AI’s impacts on the workforce be minimized? The answer lies in strategically integrating these technologies, leveraging their strengths such as process automation and data analysis to make more assertive and future-ready decisions.

The growing presence of AI-based tools makes adapting to the new demands of Industry 4.0 an urgent necessity to ensure that organizations and their employees can thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Artificial intelligence: success stories in the industry

Various industries are already reaping the benefits of AI application in their processes. The automation of factories, the optimization of logistics chains, and the development of more personalized products are just a few examples of how artificial intelligence is being applied to increase efficiency and reduce costs. Moreover, AI systems, such as machine learning algorithms, can predict equipment failures and optimize preventive maintenance, avoiding production interruptions.

As Amanda explained, “there are some examples of AI use. One of them is predictive maintenance, widely used in industries. With sensors on machines, it is possible to collect data that indicate when something is out of control. Based on this information, adjustments can be made automatically, or if a part is defective, a machine shutdown can be scheduled. All of this can be done automatically.”

Another example is computer vision, which works like a ‘human eye’ but using AI. This technology is much faster, scalable, and less error-prone than human observation. “It analyzes parts with precision and enables predictive maintenance through equipment data analysis, including older devices. These devices provide detailed information about their performance, allowing for more efficient implementation of predictive and preventive maintenance strategies,” she adds.

How is AI helping to increase efficiency in the industry?

Indeed, the impacts of artificial intelligence in the industry are evident, especially when AI tools are integrated into business operations, enabling significant gains in efficiency, waste reduction, and productivity improvements. According to the National Study on Digital Evolution and Business Innovation, digitalization drives operational efficiency by 41%, while innovation generates a 31% increase.

These figures illustrate how AI transforms businesses by processing large volumes of data in real-time, identifying patterns and trends that might go unnoticed by humans. Meta, for example, uses AI systems to assist in data analysis, enabling companies to anticipate failures before they occur and adjust their operations proactively. These advances not only minimize downtime but also optimize processes, resulting in more agile and efficient production.

AI in decision-making: a revolution in management

This technology is redefining how strategic decisions are made in companies, bringing AI’s impacts on the industry beyond simple task automation. In the industrial context, where agility and precision are crucial factors, these technologies offer indispensable solutions to optimize operations, reduce costs, and improve efficiency across the entire production chain. Thus, adopting AI not only enhances competitiveness but also reshapes business models, preparing the sector to face the challenges of an ever-changing market.

“In decision-making, when companies have a large volume of data and can make this information available, it can significantly support the decision-making process. For example, it is possible to identify bottlenecks in logistics operations, analyze transportation, inventory, and route data. Some companies, for instance, use AI to predict delays in delivery routes and package distribution. This information helps make more assertive decisions,” explains Amanda.

challenges of AI implementation in the industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the industry, promoting considerable advances in productivity and efficiency. However, its adoption faces a series of challenges that go beyond technological issues, also encompassing structural and cultural aspects. According to the Meta and Fundação Dom Cabral study, 30% of the difficulties are related to organizational structure and culture, 18% stem from the lack of profitability in digital projects, and 14% from little experience in their execution.

To fully explore the benefits of these technologies, companies need to overcome these barriers by adopting strategies that effectively integrate AI into their operations and promote workforce training.

key challenges of AI implementation:

Resistance to change — many employees and managers still see AI as a threat, hindering its acceptance;
Lack of training — there is a shortage of professionals trained to work with AI systems and data analysis;
Technological infrastructure — integrating legacy systems with modern technologies such as APIs and Data Lakes is a significant challenge for many industries;
High initial investment — adopting intelligent machines and AI tools requires considerable financial resources for both implementation and maintenance;
Social impacts — replacing manual processes with automation raises concerns about the future of the workforce and employment opportunities.

According to Amanda, AI can be a powerful ally in optimizing repetitive tasks, freeing professionals to focus on more creative and strategic activities. “This can boost both productivity and work dynamics, as employees can concentrate on more valuable tasks that involve complex decision-making,” says the specialist. “For example, process automation, such as shift planning in industrial sectors, can optimize shift allocation, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.”

Digital Transformation as the Path to the Future

Digital transformation {include link juice} is the foundation on which AI can be effectively applied. By integrating technological solutions into daily operations, companies can leverage the impacts of artificial intelligence in the industry, becoming more competitive and innovative. Meta provides AI-based solutions that help businesses optimize processes and increase operational efficiency, offering essential tools to drive their progress in this direction.

The executive manager also highlights that AI can be a driver of innovation and personalization. “AI can truly support innovation and product development. It can accelerate the process and also personalize it. Streaming platforms, for example, personalize the content each person sees based on their usage. Behind this, there is AI. It can also be used in design and prototyping. This accelerates development and allows testing of various designs and materials before producing the final version,” says Amanda.

A transformação digital como caminho para o futuro

How to Mitigate the Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the Workforce

The impacts of artificial intelligence on the industry are a growing concern, especially regarding the workforce. The automation of processes and the replacement of human tasks with machines can create uncertainty among workers. However, the solution to mitigate these impacts lies in continuous training and adapting job roles to align with new technologies.

Digital transformation should be seen as an opportunity for professional reskilling, rather than a threat. Companies that invest in upskilling and training their employees will be better prepared to face the challenges associated with AI’s impact on the industry while maximizing its benefits.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence in the Industry

The impact of artificial intelligence on the industry is undeniable. Increased productivity, cost reduction, process automation, and improved decision-making are just a few of the advantages that AI can bring. However, challenges also arise, especially in terms of workforce adaptation and organizational process transformation.

Companies like Meta are leading this movement, helping industries integrate AI efficiently and sustainably, creating a more innovative and competitive future.

Now is the time for businesses to start adopting these technologies and leveraging their benefits. Digital transformation is the path to industrial evolution, and Meta is ready to be your partner on this journey.
